what is a smart home?
Live the easy life
Opliv offers smart home products with optional installation for the purpose of giving you comfort, security and luxury
OPLIV was founded in June, 2022 in Egypt. We offer the latest smart home solutions that enable you to manage your home appliances easily. To provide you with comfort, security, and luxury.
OPLIV’s integrated technological solutions will
add a special touch to your home. Through your
smart phone, tablet, or iPad, you can operate
your home’s lights, music, curtains, electrical
appliances, garage gate and many more with a
click, from anywhere in the world. Utilize security
cameras and motion detectors to monitor your
home and provide complete security.
With OPLIV, you can customize your favorite scenarios, or choose one of our suggested scenarios, and with a click your entire home is set to the ideal ambiance.
Our Vision
Smart homes and beyond
Our Mission
Securing and automating actions in homes
Reasons to count on us
To deliver the products or the services within the predefined time with a 2-year warranty.
No extra Cost, the prices shown on the website or in our quotation is the final one.
Technical Support
Whenever you need any support during the selection of products or after purchase, we will guide you.
Payment Methods:
We offer flexible installments plans ranging from 6 months to 2 years, with cooperation with most of the Egyptian banks
Diversity of solutions
We offer wired or wireless solutions, based on your situation. The communication protocol for our wireless system can be either Wi-Fi, ZigBee, or Z-wave, including a variety of brands it can be economical or high-end. While our wired system is based on KNX communication protocol that needs interference during the Construction phase.